3CO03 AC 1.2 Describe with examples two ways in which you as a people professional conform with ethics-related legislation. *Approx. 300 words Observing ethics-related laws is essential for people professionals to promote an equitable positive workplace. Adherence to regulations such as the Equality Act 2010 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) guarantees that businesses […]
Describe, with examples, two ways in which you as a people professional conform with ethics-related legislation. (3CO03 A.C 1.2) Complying with legislation related to ethics is one of the guiding principles for any people professional in ensuring fairness and equality within the workplace. There is one UK legislation underpinning ethical and professional practice: the Equality […]
Explain the importance of using data in organisations and why it is necessary to ensure that data is accurate when determining problems and issues.(3CO02 Ac 1.2) Data is essential for any organisation because it makes the business strategy run. At the same time, accurate data is one of the prerequisites because this information will allow […]
Explain three decision-making processes that can be applied to ensure that effective outcomes are achieved. (ac 1.4) Effective decision-making is a key determinant of the success of an organization. Three decision-making processes that can be applied to ensure effective outcomes are:Three decision-making processes that can be applied to ensure effective outcomes are: 1. Consultative Decision-Making: […]
Record keeper role in change management The role of the record keeper is vital in the change management process, as it requires not only documenting and keeping records of the change process but also ensuring that all the important information is perfectly arranged and easily accessible. This role is essential for effective change management, as it […]
Explain the legislative requirements that impact reward practice. (ac 2.4) Regardless of an organisation’s size and scope, legal requirements play an indispensable part in deciding on reward practices. These demands are the guarantee that employees are compensated equally for their effort and that their rewards are distributed transparently and fairly. Here are some key legislative requirements that […]
Describe how external factors influence own work role (Ac 1.2) External factors are key drivers of how I perform my role as a people professional. Some of such factors are the legislative changes, economic conditions, technological development, as well as the social trends. Being aware of and adapting to these external aspects is very important in the […]
Emerging trends in the types of conflict and industrial sanctions. Conflict is described as a disagreement or disputes that exist between employees and their employers or among different groups of workers which emerges from the diverse or conflicting interests, goals, or views regarding work conditions, pays, benefits, work policies or other laws of employment relationship […]
Evaluate the purpose of collective bargaining and how it works. (ac 4.3) Collective bargaining is a procedure by which employers and representatives of employees jointly negotiate terms of employment including wages, working hours, benefits, and other issues concerning labour. It is one of the key factors in industrial relations that determines the existence of the cordial […]
Explain how policy initiatives and practices are implemented Policy initiatives and practices are channelled through a structured process that is participatory and has multiple stages. The implementation of the policies is the most crucial stage coming after the drafting of the policies. The following are the stages involved in implementing policy initiatives and practices:The following are the […]